Thursday, June 23, 2011


New botanicals will be available in store.  I have enough Lavender to last me through the winter and untill harvest begins this year so I have decided to make it available for purchase.  I also have enough gorgeous golden Calendula.  

Lavender Intermedia, suitable for craft, soaping etc, you are only limited by your imagination with these fragrant little flower beauties.  A blend of 20 varieties.
Lavender Intermedia
Lavender Angustifolia- Culinary Lavender

The only consumable Lavender recipes are available on my blog which is going to be updated over the next week or so with some really interesting flavours---... keep your eyes peeled.
 Lavender Angustifoila

Can also be used in soaping and craft.  The colour is more intense than the intermedia and smells sweet like lollies!
It is a favourite with my eye pillows.
Calendula Petals (Organic)

Calendula has a wide range of medicinal uses. It is a soothing tea for gastrointestinal problems, healing wash for skin wounds, easily infused into oil for a healing salve or balm. Great for baby nappy area.

Calendula also has the rare quality of keeping its colour during soap making. Unlike most herbal additives, calendula will not turn brown or black in a bar of herbal soap.

This years Harvest will be bigger than last as we have planted an extra 700 plants. This should mean that I will have a contant supply available to purchase.

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